
Showing posts from January, 2021

It's time to join the "No-Code" revolution

" In the future, everyone will be a software engineer and barely any will know how to code. We call them "citizen developers". Software engineers will focus on main core product solutions. And this is already happening. Often called "shadow IT" you can't go away from it. If you're not already leveraging it, you're leaving out something so deeply important in your business: innovation. Wouldn't you want to grow faster, leaner, and with lower costs?" -  Founder of the No Code Family A compelling argument made even more compelling when I read this blog . The non-coder revolution is building and anybody can be part of it. Here is a "Built for no-code" analytics tool And here is  200+ tools and skills used by entrepreneurs, designers and employees around the world to create the software they need - without coding  

Stop saving notes in folders and start connecting ideas using Roam Research

RoamResearch is a gamechanger. Self-described "note talking took for network thought", Roam Research has the potential to replace your diary, journal, to-do list, and any note-taking tool. The concept of network thought originated from the  Zettelkasten  system popularised by Niklas Luhmann.  A zettelkasten consists of many individual notes with ideas and other short pieces of information that are taken down as they occur or are acquired. The notes are numbered hierarchically, so that new notes may be inserted at the appropriate place, and contain metadata to allow the note-taker to associate notes with each other.  For example, notes may contain tags that describe key aspects of the note, and they may reference other notes. The numbering, metadata, format, and structure of the notes are subject to variation depending on the specific method employed. You swat up on the relevant Wikipedia page here . There are tonnes of video tutorials on YouTube but I found this one to be th